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Advanced Usage

Using the original components + providing type parameters​

This approach is ideal when you have multiple Match—or Switch—occurrences within your component.

The downside is that you'll have to manually pass type parameters to all of your cases (With, When, etc.).

Here's an example:

import { Match, Otherwise, With } from 'react-matchez';

// First shape to be branched
type FirstShape =
| {
type: 'ok';
data: { type: 'text'; content?: string } | { type: 'img'; src?: string };
| { type: 'cancel'; error?: Error };

const firstResult: FirstShape = { type: 'ok', data: { type: 'img' } };

// Second shape to be branched
type SecondShape =
| { type: 'text'; content?: string }
| { type: 'img'; extension?: string };

const secondResult: SecondShape = { type: 'img', extension: 'jpg' };

// Your component
const Component = () => {
return (
<Match value={firstResult}>
<With<FirstShape, false> type="cancel">Cancel</With>
<With<FirstShape, false> type="ok" data={{ type: 'text' }}>OK - Text</With>
<With<FirstShape, false> type="ok" data={{ type: 'img' }}>OK - Image</With>


<Match value={secondResult}>
<With<SecondShape, false> type="img">Image - Any</With>
<With<SecondShape, false> type="img" extension="jpg">Image - JPG</Exact>
<With<SecondShape, false> type="img" extension="png">Image - PNG</Exact>


Using with React.Suspense + React.lazy()​

This library plays really well with Suspense/lazy in scenarios of feature/browser/OS detection.

Combine the three of them and you'll have your users downloading only the actual component bundle that matches your condition.

Here's an example:

const supportsSensor = () => Boolean(window.AmbientLightSensor);

const AmbientLight = React.lazy(() => import('./AmbientLight'));
const Fallback = React.lazy(() => import('./Fallback'));

const MyComponent = () => {
const { Match, When, Otherwise } = usePatternMatch();

return (
<Suspense fallback={'Loading'}>
<When predicate={supportsSensor}>
<AmbientLight />
<Fallback />